Then stealthily attackes.
Savor the sweetness of a fresh 'kill'.
What can I say, my kids love cereal with a passion.
Why this photo? Just because. Also you can see Max and Levi's name done in HP Letters!
Making scarves for the HP party! I was kind of crazy to do it for all the kids but I wanted something really fun that they would actually use again unlike some stuff you take away from parties and immediately throw in the garbage. All the kids loved them!
Getting ready to make Negini or a basalisk depending on which kid you're talking to!
Hidden treasure for the horcrux hunt!
And pizza. So much pizza! But that is what the birthday boy wanted.
We all gathered for a brief second before the games began.
They made feather 'quills'.
'Potions' which were mixing powdered drinks in vials and then putting them in bottled water. They seriously loved it and Aunt Rose was so patient with the mess.
He insisted on carrying his own chair and even another. Also can you tell what color he's been into?
Oh Max. I love his little face. He was excited about the whole thing and trying to figure out when he would get to join his brother.
So during the scout thing one scout (I won't name names) locked the key in their van which he had done on more than one occasion. Instead of having someone come from 20 minutes away with a spare Jason impressed everyone, including me, and unscrewed the antenna and shimmied it down the seal of the door to push the unlock button. Everyone stood in awe as he did it. Such a clever guy I married.
This was part of the HP prep. I spend DAYS making the backgrounds out of old sheets I dyed. Then made a rock vinyl stencil and spray painted stone. It looked way better than I thought they would to be honest.
AND it was a busy Saturday/party day because he had a football game.
Morning football game, party at noon or so then evening scouts. It was one busy day for this 8 year old.
Lots more party pics because it was a lot of fun to do and we actually ended up keeping everything up for a while. Far longer than Jason wanted!
AND super random. Because I needed to get rid of them but didn't want to forget. My shoes from my mission. By the end they were so beat up. I walked so much. And since my feet are gigantic especially compared to petite Bolivians I couldn't really replace them. I did have them fixed a number of times. If you look on the left you can see where it was sewn up. The sole got so cracked it went through the whole sole so they sewed it up. I later had it replaced. They were so worn but took me many places and helped me to meet so many wonderful people. Oh the stories these shoes could tell.
Also the amount of times they were polished is crazy. Missionaries gotta keep them shiny!