This year we went up to Moses Lake, Washington to spend Thanksgiving with Jason's dad, step-mom and three little brothers. It was a very much needed break from life.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Starrs (Jason's step-mother's parents, we have a crazy family). Levi adored the larger than life dog they had in their fireplace. Maybe we should just get him one instead of a toddler bed.
I didn't get much pictures of the actual dinner, there was too much going on and I forgot all about it. But there was a TON of food (no joke-4 turkeys). Levi, to the disappointment of grandpa, didn't care much for the meat but loved the fruit platter.

Not too long after dinner, Levi freaked out because he was exhausted. We took him to Jason's dad's house and while diapers were being changed he ran off the bed and hit his eyebrow on a box. I'll spare my mother the details but it was not fun to deal with. It was all down hill from there. We just before had found out he had a terrible diaper rash and on top of that after he woke up while running and crashing he cut his gums somehow. What a crazy day but Levi was quite the trooper. Jason says he is much tougher than I am, which is probably true but if I had Jason for a dad I'd be pretty tough too.

I love this picture because you can see just how much Levi adores his three uncles: Philip (11), Alex (9) and Willy (6)

Though he proved he could take on any one of them if they messed with him too much.
What a fun trip. Thanks Goodrichs!