So... when I first found out I was pregnant I was very excited, surprised but excited. But I forgot about the whole first trimester thing where I am completely exhausted regardless of how much sleep I get the night before. With my first pregnancy it was bearable (somewhat) because I was either too busy to think about it or I could take a nap whenever I had the time. This time however....
I have a toddler. What the heck are you supposed to do with a toddler when you are too tired to get up and move in the morning? During that "too-tired-to-get-up-and-do-much-of-anything" period I discovered the greatest thing. Sesame Street. I had totally forgot morning children's tv existed. That wonderful morning I turned it on and Levi fell in love with it as I laid down on the couch. Now, we watch it together most mornings. I know it's not the greatest thing for little kids but it is the ONLY time he is still during the day and I just like to cuddle up with him under a big blanket and watch it with him.
Anyways. Today as we were watching we found out the word of the day was LAUNDRY MAT. As mismatch socks sang and danced around in a laundry mat I was taken back in time.
When Jason and I first got married we lived in a couple 'choice' basement apartments in Provo, Utah while we were both in school. And unless you had amazing connections or enough to shell out for a 'real' apartment, you were usually stuck in one of those houses divided up into 4 apartments or more. This also meant you didn't have a washer and dryer forcing you to go to that wonderful place we call the laundry mat.
I suppose it wasn't all that bad. Lots of times we would rent a movie on a Friday night and take our laptop as we washed, dried and folded our clothes. The place was fairly deserted (because who really goes and does laundry on a Friday night?). It was usually a pretty fun, cheap and productive date.
As I watched I debated weather I like only having to do laundry once a week with two people taking it on or having the steady flow of clothing being either gathered, washed, folded, put away, with no end in sight......maybe we should have stuck with the laundry mat.
Today's blog entry was brought to you by the letter K and the number 5.
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago