Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Best in the Northwest

 This last week we went berry picking with some friends of ours, it was one of Levi's favorite friends in his sunbeam class before we went to our new ward. He happens to be one of five boys. What a mom she is with a house full of boys. They had a blast while we picked. A few of her older boys even helped for a bit.

I must say these berries were about a thousand times better than any berry I've found in a store. They might not be as big or as pretty but they are tasty.
 Max sure thought so. He started picking with me but ended up eating what was in his basket and got started on mine then went off to play with the boys.
And they played hard, a whole gaggle of boys throwing hay at each other and climbing over everything. We just pretended they weren't ours.
 Yeah, that's him and Benno. They like to play fight.
 Me, not a pretty picture but it is what it is.

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