Thursday, April 3, 2014

Funny Faces

Most days and weeks aren't anything spectacular just regular ordinary days with kids going to and from school, getting fed, doing chores, playing....Ordinary awesome days.
When I got into bed I found this little guy. I'm pretty sure that was Max.
I love hugging and kissing this little man.

It was a crazy week and we had a lot going on. I had a coupon for a pedicure Jason gave me from Christmas and at first I was going to put it off another week because my feet were looking bad but despite the house being a mess, kids fighting and pure Goodrich craziness he let me slip out for an hour to get them done. It has become one of my favorite things and I hadn't had them done since before Davis was born. On a funny side note when I told Max I was going he insisted I get red and when I got there I saw a great pink but had to go with the red for Max's sake. He approved.
Lily is back! While I was pregnant she wasn't over much at all, which is probably all because of me. To be honest for the first trimester I was SO crazy tired and any free moment I would sleep and let the boys watch too much tv down with Gram so I didn't want to have her over because I wouldn't really be there to watch everyone. Then summer came and we were gone and they were gone. Then came all the huge uncomfortable 3rd trimester which was really hard on me along with two new schools for the boys and trying to figure all that out while being super huge and uncomfortable. Now I know it was so hard, I had a giant growing inside me. And again during this time I needed so much sleep. Then baby came where my chest was exposed half the time which I try to be private about. Then surgery. Anyways. It took a while but we were finally ready to have regular visitors back and forth like we did before. They have such a blast together and Lily is so dang sweet with them, even with Mr. Max and his mood swings. Neighbors are so much fun.
We were playing battleship and I did my best to play with Max while feeding Davis. Mom problems. I have been trying to do more games with Max so he can get used to not winning and having his way all the time. I'm not sure if it's helping or not.
Then I started to make a Davis face, which is quite serious when he sees my phone. And of course the other boys had to join in and make some faces. Then Max gave a demonstration of his punching power.

Jason got a new fish tank, this time a saltwater one which is now in our bedroom. Davis is facinated by it. I remember Max at this age loved the other one we had and we would sometimes put him in his high chair to watch the fishies if we needed to do something.
And library time which was the same as usual. Levi grabbing a huge stack of books, me reminding him not to to read and walk while driving to the car and immediately getting in to read. Max usually makes a beeline to the movies and likes to pick out a Power Ranger video if he can find it. Don't you love the glove? I totally let him. A battle not worth fighting once again.
After feeding Davie. I love this look he gives when he falls asleep and is full. To be honest breastfeeding is really hard but at the same time it is amazing. Like I not only made this kid (well, I wasn't the only one on that one), but grew him and now my body can feed another human being. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. Anyways. I love that cute face. Big bald head, full lips, dimple chin.
And I have been working soooo hard to dejunk my house. And the thing of it there is a lot of it that's not junk, just too much stuff which can be overwhelming. So I've been working on sorting things, selling some things on ebay, some stuff to goodwill and I found this group on facebook that is kind of like ebay where you auction stuff off and then meet people to pick up/drop off. It's actually pretty easy and I've made some decent money as well as found some amazing deals on stuff. As far as the money goes it's is about what you would make at a garage sale without having a garage sale. During the meet the boy were awesome and watched part of a video. I'm working on making $ because I want less stuff and I am dead determined to pay this van off asap.
Max had been learning about the body for a couple of weeks where they would talk about a body part and then would put it on their people. We decided to put it up on the hall door. Max decided to get a little violent. Side note. That sword he was holding used to be grey but he insisted that it NEEDED to be red because then it would be more powerful. So Jason being the kind daddy he is spray painted it for him. His new 'sheathe' is right in his shirt. Max and his sword.

Aaaannnnddd I finally got my hair cut. I had been going back and forth on it probably for a year. While I like long hair and think it looks pretty on me, up to a certain length then it doesn't look so good since it is pretty fine, I found that I hated having it down anytime I did anything. Doing the dishes. Hair up. Wet out of a shower. Hair up. Working in primary. Hair up. So unless I was sitting down doing nothing I didn't like it down. And so it was always back anyways. Then Davis started getting really interested in it and that did it. I had my friend Corrin cut it for me and she said if I cut it a certain length I could donate it, so I did! I've never donated hair before. I don't know how great it was, I saw way too many split ends and a grey hair or two. But it's a donation so they have to take it right? Anyways. I like the new do, it's very easy to wear which is what I wanted.

Both boys, scratch that, all the boys had pink eye and were sick so I had to pick up some meds with the boys where they were very much entertained by the security camera and were doing all sorts of tricks to see themselves in the monitor. It was funny to watch. I don't know if people thought it was cute or crazy. Who cares, they had fun. Then we had far too much time watching tv (hello Scooby Doo!) and reading.

By Saturday most everyone was better. Jason came home from his camp out and passed out in the chair while the boys played around him. Then they (when I say they I mostly mean Jason with the boys helping a little bit) worked on the yard and at the very end of it all I had to take the sickies and myself out of the house to play at the park to burn off some energy and improve my sanity.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

your hair is GORGEOUS!!! I love it Kendra! :)