Monday, April 14, 2014

Neil Davis Goodrich - 4 Months (well, now it's 5....)


I am absolutely in love with this you and I am so amazed how happy being around you makes me. You are my sweet little man.

You look so much like your brothers but at the same time different, I can't quite put my finger on it. You have wide eyes, are curious about everything and want to see everything that's going on. You love to see what your big brothers are doing and love it when they come and talk to you. I get the feeling you are all going to be good buddies. Bros, gotta love them.

Your smile is absolutely infectious and can make me feels so much better when I am tired and worn out.

I love love love that you are overall a great sleeper. Right now not as much as before but teething is never an easy thing to go through. You are pretty easy to put down though you like to give a couple big yells to protest the whole matter but give up pretty quick. I think it's just for show. Also for naps you like to wake up after about 30 minutes to give a couple minutes of more protest but then fall back asleep for another hour or two. REM cycles. Am I right?
You are quite the charmer. So long as you've had a nap of any amount and at least some food you are pretty happy and the more the better so you are pretty pleasant to be around. When people see you and talk to you, you are extremely quick to smile and even laugh which makes most people super excited and want to do it even more. One time you did this for 15 minutes with a lady, she couldn't stop playing and talking with you. My arm got tired but it was so cute to watch you smile, laugh and wiggle in excitement. I wish I could have video taped it.

One of your favorite things are your feet, it is like you suddenly realized you have them and can't get enough of them. It makes you fall over sometimes. You love to look at them, wiggle them and I have even seen you suck on a toe or two. It's terribly cute.
I pretty much want to squish your face most days. I love those puffy cheeks, the big grins you give, your little squeals when you are excited about something. I love how you are starting to grab things and with that grab at my shirt or necklace just trying to figure out how those fingers work.

One thing about you is that you are sturdy and solid as a rock. If it were up to you, you would probably stand most of the time. We should just prop you up against a wall or something. You love to stand. It kind of makes me wonder if you will just skip the whole crawling thing and start walking (or running). It would not surprise me one bit.

I'll be honest you drool a lot. I am not very experienced with drool or spit up because neither of your bros did much of it but you are so sweet and cute it really isn't hard to deal with. And now we've seen that tooth of yours we've realized why. Crazy boy. I was not prepared for that one. You always surprise me.

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