Thursday, March 19, 2015

Can't Hardly Wait and What the Heck is That?????

It took Max exactly one day to use up some of his 'Santa Cards' he got in his stocking so no chores and video games for him. And in his kindness he split the time with Levi. I just laughed. I would probably be the same but sadly, I don't get Santa Cards.....
Their new Lego Harry Potter video game. Davis got his own remote and 'played' too.
My new mail cart is perfect and I love it.
And someone has discovered the mirror. He was so cute and when I told him to go kiss the baby this is what he did. Sweet, slobbery baby kisses. I love them. Apparently so does his reflection.
Stop watching me mom!
Walking to pick Max up from the bus stop. It's been nicer weather and this was the first time I let him walk on his own. Before it was too rainy and he wasn't a good enough walker so I would just carry him. He did a pretty good job though it took some time to get him used to the fact that he had to hold my hand.
A screen shot I saw somewhere. This is so my life. Trust me, I am not the fun one.

All. Day. Long.
And he finally conked out in my arms. I was thrilled. I never get to have him sleep or cuddle in my arms anymore so I just let him sit and sleep a few before putting him in his bed.
And out for a walk to pick up Max again. This time was a little harder because he kept not wanting to hold my hand and the bus stop is right next to a very busy road so I had to insist. He wasn't happy about that. So he would just sit on the ground and cry and I picked him up to wait for the bus. That bus seemed to take forever getting there with this squirmy child in my arms screaming and flailing about. You'd think I was torturing the kid.

Finally Max came off the bus.  And I immediately something was very wrong with his face.
I had no idea what it was. An allergic reaction, some terrible disease? I didn't see him for more than a second as he waved good bye to me in the morning (Jason get's him ready and takes him to school) but I didn't see anything wrong that morning or the night before. So to have it come on so sudden scared me plus I was completely clueless about what it was. They were sores that looked almost like zits with stuff coming out on some. Gross and scary. I texted Jason pictures and some friends to ask any imput trying not to freak him out too much but no one knew what it was.

I immediately called the dr and we were actually able to go and be seen right away. Lucky for us they are only a few minutes from the house.

Well, it was impetigo which is found mostly in kids and comes from scratching most of the time. And it spreads like wildfire. So we got some topical stuff and things to do to keep it from spreading. It did get to the other guys, just not much since we now knew what it was and how to treat it.

It was Friday and  Scarlett, Julie and Miranda and I had coordinated to use up our pedicure/manicure gift certificates Jared got us girls for Christmas. After that since we were downtown we decided to go to Julie and Isaac's place to pick him up and go see where Jared was DJing. So we did. Jared hooked us up and we got free drinks (virgin mojito for me) and appetizers. Then we danced like crazies.  I wanted to stay longer and dance but I knew I had to get up early so at 12:30 I called it quits. Maybe next time. I like this bunch of people. Isaac and Jared better keep those two! Well, Miranda is pretty much locked in but Julie not yet, she's fun. I think we should keep her. 
Got a fun package in the mail! I knew just what I wanted to do with the bookshelf in my office, at least for part of it.
Jason put it together and I figured out the vinyl decal. It was much easier than painting it myself, which is what I had done in the living room. That takes forever and I still didn't get things straight.

I know this might be silly but I almost bawled when it didn't fit into the place I wanted it to go, between Jason and my desk. It was too wide by a half an inch but nothing could be done. I thought I had measured correctly but my desk has two widths, the width of the counter top and the width of the base and I only measured using the base of my desk not calculating the top which hangs over. I was mad and tried to figure out some way to make it fit. Alas. But it is now on the other side of the room and will do. Not my choice or what I wanted but I'll take it.

Scripture stories! I love that I got all these DVDs. They are crazy spendy but sometimes you just need a break on Sundays and I always have my nap pretty much right after we get home and I feed the kids. The big boys hang with Nese or Jason and will sometimes watch one of these DVD's.  Then I nap when Davis does. I look forward to my nap every week. Also doing music time is exhausting! It wears me out every time.
Now I know where Davis learned about soda cause I never gave it to him. Now he freaks out every time he sees a can. Grandmas.
And some evening father and son snuggles.

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