Sorry for lack of posting. I have a great explanation.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, talented, smart, hard working girl who attended a fantastic university. Off she went to Bolivia to be a missionary for her church and upon her return, a wonderfully charming man stole her heart and together they went to finish their schooling.
Well, he finished his. She had the cutest little boy just 3 classes short of her degree. Due to some family needs they moved off to the land of perpetual rain (Oregon) where she would spend the next 3 years finishing those 3 classes (and having another little prince).
Now she has just one awful independent study statistics class left. It is the suckiest, hardest (most time consuming) class ever, especially trying to do it and lead a normal mommy life AND working part time from home. So she has decided to put everything on pause and see if she can finish it in less than a month. This means not a lot of time to update the good ole blog...but hopefully she will soon return victorious and much better edu-macated.
Oh, the story was about me if you couldn't tell! Wish me luck!
I have a TON of pictures so be ready for total bombardment when I finish.
P.S. To all those who asked: I'll be getting my degree in Social Work from BYU (with a minor in music). Go Cougs!
P.P.S. Thanks for all the well wishes folks. Since is studying statistics is the LAST thing I want to do with my precious time, it's hard to get motivated about it. So thanks for cheering me on! It makes me smile when I'm trying to figure out correlation coefficients, standard deviations and regression lines =) ESPECIALLY cause I know once I'm doing I'm going to forget most of it the minute I put my pencil down on that final.
P.P.P.S. I've already had 1 midterm and got a 100% (which I didn't think I would get) and my next one is this week. Then all I have is the final and DONE!!!!! I can see the light!
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
100%!? That's amazing. You can do it!
Go Kendra! You rock sister! You are so talented in so many ways! You are inspiring!
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