Thursday, October 18, 2012

Akward Alligators

This year Levi did soccer at the Hillsboro Stake Center. I loved it because it was simple, casual and low pressure. Levi got really into the whole thing. 

On day one they all got together to pick a name. Levi piped up and suggested the Eagles first but they settled on the Alligators and for some reason felt like they needed an adjective to go with it. I'm fairly positive none of them really knew what awkward meant but it started with an 'a' so they went with it. Later Levi asked me what I meant which he didn't think was very fitting for his team and told the coach they should be the awesome alligators. So they decided when they practiced well and became awesome they would change the name. 

The boys fueling up

This game these two girls were definitely the best on each team (one was an alligator one was the other team) and man they were awesome. Levi did a great job with it all and got in there as much as he could.

Max was my helper and loved to help out on the side lines and run up and down the edges of the field. That kid is an awesome runner.
This one is my favorite, I love how he's running with his hands behind him!

While he got super intense at sometimes, sometimes it was a bit of this:
Some of this:
And a little of this:
Go Alligators!
Here's his team picture, and for some reason he looks very somber.....

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