Monday, April 6, 2015

Dirt and the Great Outdoors

 Monday morning. Back to the grind. This calls for spinning on Dad's chair in the office!
 And I wasn't feeling so good in the morning and not up to much so Studio C with the boys it was.
 Bed, blanket and bottle time. My favorite. I seriously am going to be so sad when the bottle goes. It is really the only cuddle time I get. Otherwise it's go go go for this kid.
 A moment reading. Ok, there are a lot of those with this kid. He loves his books. Both Jason and I have suggested and gotten several but he likes what he likes. I don't care so long as he's happy reading. Also he does like to read his Eyewittness books not just the fiction.

On the floor you can see the quilt my mom made. She made a pink one and blue one before I found out if #3 was a boy or a girl but she was so nice she gave me the pink one (they both have a big heart) so it is my valentines quilt.
 Climber boy.
 And he has discovered how awesome the back yard is and never wants to leave. Like never. He freaks out after we have to go in even if he's been out for hours. Oh, and that's him giving kisses to his big bro. I love Davis kisses.
Doctors office for Levi. He got a cold which triggers athsma and his airway gets blocked off. So time to see the Dr.
 Davis napping. In our closet. I wish I could get a better picture of him sleeping. I love babies sleeping with their little butts in the air.
He's on round three of reading the Harry Potter Series.
On his little bros bed. Davis is clueless so it's more of a communal bed right now.
We found a car cart! I think it was Davis' first time. He was confused at first but got into it.
Teacher conferences at Max's school. I wish I didn't have to take this guy but it is what it is. He was all over the place. At the end he grabbed the teachers bottled water and crumpled it a couple of times. I felt terrible. Oh well. She says Max is doing great, is a great listener and is doing a good job in his reading progress. Yey Max!
One of the science experiments the boys did was making a hovercraft out of a cd and a balloon. You fill the balloon with air and it hovers. Davis tried hard to blow it up but got a little frustrated when it didn't quite work.

This is so gross and embarrassing. But it is what it is. Davis sleeps in a pack and play in our closet so it doesn't have sheets on it or anything. I noticed it was pretty dirty so I took it out and scrubbed it hard. It was amazing the transformation. And it made me feel a little bad he's been sleeping in such a dirty pack and play. Oh well. He's tough. I think serving my mission in Bolivia has made me realize that things could be a lot dirtier. I remember visiting so many people whose houses were made of adobe. That is dirt. But they did just fine, a little dirt never hurt any one.
Always trying to get on the table.
Since the weather has been so nice Jason has been working on the back yard which meant cutting a down a number of huge branches on the trees. Hopefully that will let more sun in and keep it from being so squishy and mossy. Max, of course, wanted to get out his tools and help dad.

Oh and show me how he could climb the truck.
Did I mention how much this kid loves to climb?

Larry and Richelle were over for the weekend visiting. Richelle and Max spent a lot of their time coloring in a superhero book she brought for the boys along with some new colored pencils. They did this for hours.
And someone found the scooter.

Another helper. Got to train them young. 

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