This Saturday we had TWO Christmas parties to got to, in a row. First we had the annual VF party at the Lake Oswego Country Club. Then the Bethany Ward blowout of a Christmas Dinner. Each were great! Moments from the day:
Explaining Santa to Levi before hand:Mom: Levi, we're going to go see Santa today. He is really nice and brings presents to nice boys and girls. When you see him you sit on his lap and tell him what presents you would like. What present would you like?
Levi: Rocket Ship! ......Dinosaur!........Airplane!..........
Levi flys out of the room for a minute. Comes back after I think he's gone:Cars!.....Trucks!
Levi's a boy who knows what he wants.
At the VF party meeting Santa: There were games, cookie decorating, crafts for the kids. Levi, of course, only cared about making cookies. So we frosted a tree and ate some M&M's (ok a lot of M&M's). Santa comes walking into the room ringing his bell.
Mom: Levi! There's Santa!! He's coming!! Do you want to go see Santa??
Levi: NO. (obvously not impressed about the man in the red suit, continues eating/decorating)
Kids start lining up to get there presents and pictures taken. Mom: Santa has a present for you, should we go see him?
Levi: YEAH!!!! (now he cares)
Hugs Santa like they were best friends, gets present, hops down, says "Thank you" and we run off to get a cookie.
Max decided to stay with daddy and eat a lot. Boy that boy can pack it in! But he was a sweet as can be for the whole party, mostly in awe at everything that was going on. Oh, for presents Levi got blocks and Max got some cars. Levi was quite upset when Max actually wanted to play with them. Little Maxo is quite a fighter and has a really good grip, much to Levi's dismay.
That party was mid morning. Then we went home and ALL of us (including daddy) crash for a couple hours to prep for the next party.

Party #2 was AMAZING!!! (not that the other one wasn't) but they had a couple rooms set up as Santa's workshop with tons of toys, elves and yes, and extremely impressive lego train set. Yeah, he wasn't supposed to touch that.....

When it was his turn he gave Santa another big hug like his was his best friend then sat on his lap but didn't really smile (I personally think he was wondering where the heck his present was after he sat on this guys lap) But he livened up after he got some candy heading out the door.

Max was just as confused as could be. I would be too little one! What a good sport you are.

After a fabulous dinner there was a Christmas program where the little kids were asked to come up front to participate. Levi lasted about 3 minutes till a older boy decided to start crawling around on the floor. Noticing what the other boy was doing, Levi exclaimed "CHASE!" and chase he did.

All the rest of the night. Must have been all the cookies.