Guess who has joined the ranks of school attendees?
He was SOOO excited and has been asking for weeks if it was the day. And the big day finally came. Preschool. Early, 6:30am I was greeted not by the usual "I love you mom, ask me what I dreamed about. " but it went something more like this. "Mom, what day is today?" Me: "What do you think?" Levi: "Today I go to preschool!"
I love these pics because as I was asking him to stand still for a shot or two he slowly turned around so I would take some of his backpack.
After Max woke up I found Levi talking to his little bro. "Today I am going to go to preschool. One day when you are big you can go to preschool too. First I go to preschool and when I'm done, I go to collage!"
Later when we were having a friend dropped off to play, when his mother came in Levi started right in talking about it. "Today I'm going to preschool. Isn't that great?!?!" and as he did it he was doing some hands out motions cause he just couldn't contain himself.
This is his "mom-are-you-seriously-taking-more-pictures-of-me?" look.
His "preschool-is-probably-greater-than-the-North-Pole,-Disney-Land,-and-all-the-grandparents-houses-combined" look.
Pure bliss. The day has arrived.
And lastly his, "I'm-so-excited-I-can't-stop-wiggling-and-we'd-better-get-out-of-here-soon-or-I-might-explode" face.
Your such a big boy sir Levi.
P.S. The day went great, he loved it and is definitely going back tomorrow. By 5:30 or so he had passed out in his room and it was a very early bedtime for us all. It'll take some work adjusting to the new schedule but totally worth it!
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
Kendra, he is SO CUTE! I can't get over it.
Oh how cute! What a big boy!
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