Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Big Game

A few weeks ago was opening day in the world of tee ball/baseball around these parts. It was a pretty crazy day, especially considering that I was never very into sports and this was a completely new ballgame (ha!) for me.

First was pictures. And no joke, I am positive I have the most wiggly kid in the world. His individual pictures I think will turn out well but the team shot is a complete wildcard. It was sunny out so he was very squinty eyed and for half the time he had his mitt over his face to cover the sun. And yes, he is the most squirmiest kid, several other parents and I were laughing at his  antics on the sidelines.

This might just be the best picture of him with that group.
He's got something in his teeth.
Checking everyone out and itching his back. Keep in mind this was all in the course of a maybe a minute and there were more.

After the tee ball pics were taken in came hundreds of other older baseball players who got their pictures done as well. We had to wait a good hour and a half but the boys stayed fairly entertained with the help of some snacks from the snack stand.
After two and a half hours of pictures and a ridiculously long opening ceremony where they introduced all 300 players and their teams, Levi finally got to have his first 'real' game which was really really short. Every kid on each team got to bat once and it was done. It was perfect because everyone was pretty tired from everything else. Plus, having had only 2 practices none of the kids really knew what they were doing. 
At first base. I love his expression.
Coming home.
Way to go #11!
I wish I had gotten a picture of this only a few seconds before. The kids had only really practiced a bit of hitting and catching but not much of how the actual game worked so when the time came to play the coach had told the kids they just needed to get the ball and throw it to first base. This was hilarious because for most of the times someone hit the ball practically the whole team ran to get it regardless of where they were.

This was literally a 6 kid pileup trying to get the ball.
Heading off for the end of the game huddle. For some reason he decided he needed to play with his shirt the whole time. I'm not joking when I say he's the wiggliest kid on the team. If I'm not sure where he's at I just look for the one moving and dancing around the most and 9 out of 10 times it's him.
These are actually from the practice later the next week. He's definitely getting better and practice is paying off.
Max is a trooper when it comes to practices, he always finds some way to amuse himself.
Here's to tee-ball season 2013

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