A little past due but still good, at least enough time before he is nine months.
My littlest prince is eight months old, that's 2/3 a year! And I just can't imagine our life without him.

Who wouldn't love this little face? With such big brown eyes and dimpled chin, he is impossible to resist and I can't kiss him enough!
You are almost ready to crawl and can almost get yourself up on your hands and knees. Now you'll finally be able to play chase with your brother and dad.

One of the funnest things that has happened in the past month is that you have really learned what it is to play with toys, you LOVE them! And you're not too picky about what kind either. Pretty much whatever is next to you, you love to play with it. Other favorites: the remote and any cell phone. Our little techno baby.
When it's time for you to sleep you love to grab your blanket and snuggle it up to your face and sometimes over your head, turn on your side and have your face right up next to the side of the crib. It's so cute to see you all snuggled up in the corner!

You know how to use those hands of yours. They are great at grabbing and feeding yourself, which you LOVE to do. You'd like to feed yourself with a spoon if we'd let you. Mr. Independence.

You are a such a goofball and so quick to smile and giggle, especially at that CRAZY dad of yours.
One of your favorite people is Levi. You love to get near his head and 'get him' which means putting your hands on his face, holding an ear, some hair, whatever you can grab. Levi LOVES playing this game with you and you are both usually in giggles by the end, it makes everyone in the room smile when you two play together!

You now have two bottom teeth and you still have a great disposition, nothing can bring you down!

We love you little Max-o!