Monday, July 26, 2010


Because I haven't kept a consistent journal since I was on my mission, this blog has become it. So if this bores anyone, I apologize in advance. Just random thoughts o' mine.

Over the past two weeks I finished with my statistics class, what a relief! Soon my diploma will be in the mail. Ahhhh. That's one big check off my list of things to do in life. Also I quit my job and finished training my replacement last week. Another big relief. I have felt such a huge stress relief since then. Now all I have on my plate is my family (a BIG one) and my etsy store, which is still work but something I love to do.

Speaking of etsy. It has been going really well. When I first started my shop it was more to pay for my hobby than any thing else and I was really surprised things sold so well at first and even still amazed that people would pay money for something I made. I have been busy with a lot of wedding orders (it's wedding season) and feel so privileged to be involved even in some small part of some ones big day. I went to a gem faire the other day and spent WAY too much but I have lots of great plans for what I got. So sparkly.

It was such a great weekend, I didn't have to think about work or school, just having fun with my family. Saturday we had big plans to go to the ward beach trip but only after 10 minutes of driving we realized everyone and their brother decided to go too, making traffic stop and go and the boys were already not off to a great start. After a couple minutes of that we realized it wasn't worth it and decided to find a different adventure. We found the cutest little blueberry u-pick where Levi filled up his sand bucket full of berries. He loved it. Then Max and dad went home for a nap and I took Levi to McDonalds as a peace offering because he was pretty upset about not going to the beach. He played for a couple hours and was thrilled with the spider man figure he got in his happy meal. I mean thrilled. He's been way into superheros lately, it's adorable because he knows all their songs and has even made some super heroes up. Like Captain Cloud. His song? The ABC's

Max is getting bigger, more mobile and able to understand more and soon we won't be able to call him 'baby Max'. It's bitter sweet. But it is wonderful to see how much the boys enjoy playing with each other. I absolutely love it.

I have recently been thinking a LOT about homeschooling. Levi's getting older and getting closer to go to preschool and I keep coming back to homeschooling. There are a number of reasons why, one of them is I really want the boys to learn Spanish. As a missionary I always felt so blessed I was able to learn another language, like it was this huge gift. I felt the same after I got married to someone else who spoke it. What an opportunity! I feel the same with music and piano. So I've been researching and asking around about it. We'll see what happens.

After Max was born I was doing really well with weight loss and lost all the baby weight and then some. Now I am where I was at when I got married, but have since plateaued. I go up and down but basically the same. It's kind of frustrating, but I know it's because I could be eating better and exercising more. I don't know if it's the summer or what but I am not feeling super motivated. Hopefully soon.

I think that's all....for now.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Surfin' USA

I am so glad we have our little pool. I got it last year on craigslist and it's was a huge pain to bring home but it was totally worth it! I've tried those inflatables but for me they're more trouble than they're worth.

So when the sun FINALLY made it's appearance in Oregon we washed it off (there was a lot of scrubbing but Levi didn't mind helping out, ok, supervising)

It was Max's first time in a little pool. He'd been in a big pool a number of times but he was always being held by someone. This time he was all on his own and was a little nervous.
Levi on the other hand, was not. If your wondering what he's surfing on, it's a foam pad to put your knees on when you garden. He's so creative.
I think I know why he was a little nervous. That big brother of his kept taking his watering can and watering Max to 'make him grow'.
Max got him back though. He quickly found Levi's prized 'fish' (three rocks) and wouldn't share.
All and all it was a great afternoon pool side.
The end.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Worn Out

Still playing catchup after this crazy month. Even though I didn't have much time to stay updated, I made sure we still did some fun stuff, this was partially to keep me from going insane.

Did you know Tuesdays are two for one at Oaks Park??? We headed on over with a couple friends and rode rides, ate hot dogs, ice cream and had a blast. Something we are DEFINITELY doing again in the not too distant future.

Max got a bracelet too but he hated it and didn't really ride anything except his stroller and mom and dads shoulders. He sure did enjoy watching and eating all that ice cream.

Needless to say, Levi LOVED it all.

Jason was so excited to do this, he kept telling me we should go over and do it. I think he just wanted to show off for me. He's still got it! Within minutes of leaving here's what we saw in the back seat.

A good day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A little off

Look like anyone you know??? (Right to left, Jason, Me, Levi, Max. According to Mr. Levi.) I love how he insists that the nose goes on top of the head.

Freedom Fever!

On the morning before the fourth I woke up to Levi crying "I WANT A HOT DOG!" at 6:00am. In my ear. Grrrr. We don't usually have hot dogs around our house because there not the healthiest thing in the world so they are more of a treat (not that it's bad to eat them because we've sure had our share of hot dogs every other meal when that's all Mr. Picky would eat). Levi LOVES them. I'm mean LOVES them. He must have seen the buns in the kitchen and thought he'd see if he could sucker me into giving him one for breakfast. But I held my ground this time.

This time last year Max was only a month and a half old and we (Jason and I) went to the pancake breakfast our ward puts on for the couple hours where we were scheduled to work, then a relaxing, chill day at home with family.

This year, not so much. We were all over the place and it was tons of fun!

First stop: Pancake breakfast, and we actually got to eat this year, mmmmmmm good.

For some reason Spider Man showed up and when Levi got to go up and meet him he was totally stunned. He didn't know what to do he was so excited. He talked about it for a long time afterwords.
The best pic I have of all my boys. Amazingly they all had red, white and blue plaid shirts on hand. Yeah!!!
After the breakfast there were tons of things to do, including a parade where I put Levi right to work pushing Max.
These bouncy houses were the first things Levi saw and was very upset when we couldn't go in right away. The minute we were able you can bet we were standing in that line.
Max, looking longingly at his brother having some bouncy fun. Next year buddy.
Then they had a clown come and perform. I can't believe how good Levi was, he was absolutely enthralled with it all.
Levi finally got his hotdog.
So did Max, and some ice cream, and cotton candy, and popcorn.....
Yeah, I was suckered into another round of bouncy house fun.
Dad and Max waited patiently until we were done, ok, Levi was done. Tightrope walker!!!! BTW ever since he saw the clown he's been saying things like 'the great, amazing, levi!!!' and things like that. So cute.
The tables have turned.
After the breakfast festivities we went home where we all to a good couple hours nap. They were so tired!

Jason and Levi went on a little ride around the neighborhood. Yeah, that's how we roll.
Then off to an afternoon BBQ with some friends where the boys quickly found the sandbox. Most of the sand was emptied after these kids were through with it! Laura, I think we owe you a bag of sand.
And Jason did what he does best.
More bouncing.
More sandbox. Max has a thing for shovels. After THAT BBQ we went for the annual Vial firework display/BBQ. By this time Levi was pretty tired and didn't pay too much attention and Max was terrified half the time. That's ok, we still had fun!
Happy belated fourth!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Take a picture of my cars mom!

Smile Levi!

Simple Pleasures

I know many moms dread going to the grocery store with the kids but I LOVE it. But the only difference is I only take Levi with me. Luckily Jason's work schedule has always been flexible so he can stay with Max. Honestly I've never gone grocery shopping with both of them (I'm too chicken, I'd rather go at 2 in the morning than with both kiddos on the 'big shop')

Now, I hate getting ready to go to the store because that means putting together a menu for the upcoming weeks and making a huge list so we don't have to make any unexpected grocery trips later (except for milk, these boys sure drink a lot of it!) since I only go once every two weeks.

Yesterday Levi and I set off on a little adventure and had quite a lot of places to go. One thing I love to do is turn of the music (I would normally have it blaring if it were just me) and we just chat about whatever. I like to give mini spanish lessons about whatever it is we're doing or looking at. It's just a fun time to be together.

We stopped at Goodwill to drop some stuff off, went to the post office, the craft store, the dollar store and then the grocery store. Yipes, that's a lot. But it was fun and I am so impressed with how well he does helping me 'find' things, pick out fruit and listening to me (except when he sees toys then it's like he's completely deaf)

Monday, July 12, 2010


What? I'm not doing any thing, I swear!

This kid could eat his weight in cookies.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hilarious Levi IV

"My bed going to grow, and grow, and grow and grow! It gonna be big bed just like yours. It gonna grow and grow. Like a beanstalk. Kind of."

Levi was kicking the wall TILL 11. 11! Since he was keeping Max up Jason brought him out of his room to give him a little talking to and I gave him a glass of milk per his request. During his almost midnight milk fest he said "Sun sleeping. Moon awake!"

While on the subject of suns and moons. When asked where the sun goes at night while reading a night time story Levi replied, "He in his bed. He tired." So, if you didn't know, the moon sleeps in a bed, at least according to Levi.

Another new saying, "It's ok. We can be patient." All. the. time.

When I explained how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly Levi declared, "That's tricky!"

After a long day of taking walks, playing at the park, swimming at the pool, and kayaking (kind of) and zero naps Levi told me "I'm sad" with his head slung down. "Why?" His reply, "Need more energy".

In the car.
Me: "What does red mean?"
Levi: "STOP!"
Me: "Green"
Levi: "GO!"
Me: "Yellow?"
Levi "Slow down, and watch out for tractors!"
Where does he come up with this stuff?

I could pee my pants.

I am that excited. Tomorrow I am taking my statistics final which will mean I'm done with collage, at least my bachelors degree. I have one choir class I can take if I want to finish my music minor, but that is more optional and something I would LOVE. We'll see what I decide on that one. But as for 'real' classes I will be done!!!!! I can't express how excited I am. Gone will be that nagging thought always in the back of my mind "finish up school, finish up!".

ALSO. I am going to be training my replacement at work next week cause, that's right, I'm quitting! While this job has been extremely flexible and allowed me to work from home, it has gone from 1-2 hours a day to 2-4 hours and it's just too much for me while I have little ones. Also pee my pants excited about this one. I have always been a working mommy, unless you count Levi's first three months where I was pretty much a walking zombie. I'll still be doing etsy but it is all on MY terms and I can work as much or as little as I want. AND it's something I absolutely love doing. My therapy.

No work, no school.....Ahhhhhhh sounds heavenly.

I'm so excited. Did I already say that? Cause I am.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bow tie

Boys totally get the short end of the stick when it comes to dressing up and having fun accessories. Girls have heaps of them. So here at the Goodrich's we've tried to make up for that with a fun array of ties. Levi loves them. A lot.
Yeah, he's cool like that.
This one was forced. He wanted to go inside but was good and sat for a few pictures.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Belated Father's Day

To kick off Father's Day, we decided to visit my dad, 'Grandpa Gary', at his place on Lake Merwin. We'd only visited a couple times since they bought it and so we did a lot of exploring.

The trip is a little over an hour, so not too bad with little ones.
ESPECIALLY if you have a portable DVD player and a couple dvd's of Word World. It's time to build a word, let's build it, let's build it!
It was a fun busy day! We went walkin',
eatin', swimmin', rowin'
and rowin' some more.
The next day, for what has now turned into "Man Day" we had very manly meal of filet mignon (best meat ever), cheesy biscuits, fruits and veggies and even some beef jerky.
And of course, some treats for all the manly men.