Because I haven't kept a consistent journal since I was on my mission, this blog has become it. So if this bores anyone, I apologize in advance. Just random thoughts o' mine.
Over the past two weeks I finished with my statistics class, what a relief! Soon my diploma will be in the mail. Ahhhh. That's one big check off my list of things to do in life. Also I quit my job and finished training my replacement last week. Another big relief. I have felt such a huge stress relief since then. Now all I have on my plate is my family (a BIG one) and my etsy store, which is still work but something I love to do.
Speaking of etsy. It has been going really well. When I first started my shop it was more to pay for my hobby than any thing else and I was really surprised things sold so well at first and even still amazed that people would pay money for something I made. I have been busy with a lot of wedding orders (it's wedding season) and feel so privileged to be involved even in some small part of some ones big day. I went to a gem faire the other day and spent WAY too much but I have lots of great plans for what I got. So sparkly.
It was such a great weekend, I didn't have to think about work or school, just having fun with my family. Saturday we had big plans to go to the ward beach trip but only after 10 minutes of driving we realized everyone and their brother decided to go too, making traffic stop and go and the boys were already not off to a great start. After a couple minutes of that we realized it wasn't worth it and decided to find a different adventure. We found the cutest little blueberry u-pick where Levi filled up his sand bucket full of berries. He loved it. Then Max and dad went home for a nap and I took Levi to McDonalds as a peace offering because he was pretty upset about not going to the beach. He played for a couple hours and was thrilled with the spider man figure he got in his happy meal. I mean thrilled. He's been way into superheros lately, it's adorable because he knows all their songs and has even made some super heroes up. Like Captain Cloud. His song? The ABC's
Max is getting bigger, more mobile and able to understand more and soon we won't be able to call him 'baby Max'. It's bitter sweet. But it is wonderful to see how much the boys enjoy playing with each other. I absolutely love it.
I have recently been thinking a LOT about homeschooling. Levi's getting older and getting closer to go to preschool and I keep coming back to homeschooling. There are a number of reasons why, one of them is I really want the boys to learn Spanish. As a missionary I always felt so blessed I was able to learn another language, like it was this huge gift. I felt the same after I got married to someone else who spoke it. What an opportunity! I feel the same with music and piano. So I've been researching and asking around about it. We'll see what happens.
After Max was born I was doing really well with weight loss and lost all the baby weight and then some. Now I am where I was at when I got married, but have since plateaued. I go up and down but basically the same. It's kind of frustrating, but I know it's because I could be eating better and exercising more. I don't know if it's the summer or what but I am not feeling super motivated. Hopefully soon.
I think that's all....for now.
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
Congrats on your diploma! I wish I had went to school. I saw your jewelry - you are so talented! Your whole family is talented! My husband and I bought a house in Hillsboro last summer and moved in on my due date! Are you still in the area??
I've thought about homeschooling too! You'll have to keep us posted on what you decide. I've thought more seriously about part time home schooling because I want my kids to learn a few things I don't know much about like Spanish but neither my husband or I know Spanish (you guys are super lucky that you do!) Maybe I'll send my kids over to your place to go to school =)
I feel the same way about homeschooling! Keep us updated!
Thought back:
A u-pick blueberry patch?? I wish I lived near you!
Captain Cloud and the ABCs just made my day.
I LOVE that your etsy shop is doing so great! I have "email Kendra back" on my to do list today :)
Hooray for being done with school!
I've thought about homeschooling too. Not for the Spanish (although that is making me we are in teh same two-spanish-speaking-parents situation). It just seems like a dreadful amount of work, and I just don't want to. But at the back of my mind I feel like it's almost inevitable or something. Pretty sure no matter what I won't be sending my kids to preschool though.
And lastly: I could hear your voice throughout this whole post and it made me happy. THanks for the smile :)
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