Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Group Shot

When school picture time came to Levi's preschool I wasn't going to buy any because they are ridiculously expensive. Truthfully I just wanted to get a quick copy of the group shot from someone but we got the proofs free of charge and I couldn't resist.

He sure is handsome.
And here's the whole crew, Teacher Kim and Teacher Martha.
Top row Teacher Martha, Teacher Kim
Third Row: Levi, Nathan, Calem
Second Row: Anna, Everett, Amanda, Braden, Nicole
First Row: Kade, Isaac, Anna Marie, Gabriel


Nesie said...

GEEZ, is that kid cute! Even in the group pic he's got that head cocked up on one side in a way you just know there is a BIG IDEA coursing thru upon which a BIG POUNCH will soon be landed!!!! And whatever it is it's gonna be FUN. (See Larry, I do check this out once in a while.)

Nesie said...

Hmm. Make that "POUNCE". Flying Fingers. . .

Jenn said...

What a cute kid!!