Monday, July 28, 2014

Easter 2014

 For this Easter we continued with our tradition of going to Nancy's house to decorate eggs and have a dinner. This year we ended up doing it a week before the actual date but it all worked out well. There were a number of kids over along with Dillon and Sienna so they all played pretty hard stopping to decorate eggs when we told them it was time. All and all they took a total of 10 minutes with Sienna staying a little bit longer to put on finishing touches. The boys once they got a few done were off like rockets.
 After we all got in the car everyone was pooped. I don't have the picture here (it was on my phone) but both older boys were conked out within minutes and slept on their new oversized stuffed cows grandpa had given them. Davis napped all the way home.
 Then the actual week of on Saturday the Easter Bunny came and we had a little hunt in our back yard. For the past few years we've been doing the Easter Bunny stuff on Saturday then that leaves Sunday for more talking about what the real meaning of Easter is. So far so good! Also logistically it is easier because some years we have church at 9 which means a SUPER early hunt and basket then to me it all seems a lot crazier and the real meaning gets lost in the shuffle.

This year Davis was a bit too young for it all and was sleeping when the hunt happened but there will be plenty of years for all that. He did get a basket though filled with some baby toys which has gotten a lot of use.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Love all of these REAL photos you've been posting. I need to be better about pulling my real camera out...