I've mentioned how we have a huge box of buttons. Well, I've finally got around to taking some pictures of it all in action. My boys LOVE to do this activity and they are fairly entertained for 45 good solid minutes and usually without any (or much) fighting.
When friends come over they are usually skeptical at first. Heck I would be too if someone asked me if I wanted to play with a box of buttons but then they get really into it and can't believe I let them dump the whole thing out if they want. I've even seen a number of them make 'button angels' in the living room.
Sometimes they look for 'treasure' which are usually some shiny brass buttons, to put in a cup or treasure box.
Sometimes they fill up containers or use kitchen utensils.
Or even fill up some dump trucks to transport it all.
However they decide to play they sure love it and I'm glad I kept them around although I'm sure everyone thought I was crazy.
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
I don't think you're crazy! We had a button tin growing up and I LOVED it! So much so that I was talking to my sister about needing to get one of my own and you know what she got me for Christmas? That's right! My very first button tin! Now if I can just get Parker to keep them in ONE room, I'd be thrilled!
Yup, this is your house Kendra!
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