I don't know why but I still sometimes fool myself into thinking my day is going to go as planned. Now THAT'S a joke. Sometimes I wonder why I even plan things.
This morning was just one of those. I have been looking forward to going to the gym in the morning with the boys, especially since they've both had mild colds for a number of days. So today was the day! Then I had some other small trips along the way, so all an all it was going to be very productive.
Not so much. First of all, the packages which I were going to be taking to the post office on the way, were in the other car so that meant a special trip later. Great. But not bad I suppose. So we got all packed in the van ready to go. I had driven only a block or so and had to stop at a stop sign when Max comes rolling off the seat on to the floor. Apparently the car seat hadn't been strapped in and I assumed it was. I haven't felt so panicked or like a horrible mother in a long time. We stopped and got him fixed up and relatively calm while I trucked on to the gym, still trying to calm myself down from the panic attack I had and trying to figure out when I'm going to stop by the post office later in the day.
We finally make it to the gym, where Max still starts whimpering at the sight of it. I think he was traumatized from the time I took him without his brother and we didn't go for a month and a half because of it. Now he's a little better and freaks but will calm 5 minutes or so after I leave. He still has his pacifier but we've stopped bringing his blankie which is nice. After battling a crying boy, getting signed in and all that, I make it to my class. Late. But at least I'm there. After 20 minutes or so of doing some pilates moves I'm failing miserably at, someone walks into the class to talk to the teacher. I KNEW it was for me. It was. I was guessing they had a stinky boy on their hands. So I put everything away, put my shoes back on and go see what's the matter, hoping it's only a quick diaper change. Yeah, not that.
Turns out I have a little biter. From what I understood, Levi and another boy were playing animals or something where they growled and pretended to bite. Only Levi really did bite which is not good. Not only because biting just isn't nice and he knows better, but apparently they have a zero tolerance for biting there. We were sent away and asked not to return for the day (he can come back another day though).
I was totally and completely disappointed, which I didn't want to show too much to Levi because he already felt horrible about biting and that we had to leave. And for some reason as we were leaving the parking lot a tear or two might have slipped out. It just stinks when all your plans get ruined and none of it was your doing.
After the gym we were going to take a look at a pre-school for Levi and have some lunch on the way but it was much too early to do that. So we went home where I feebly tried to do something that resembled a workout, but much of my motivation was gone. That and Max kept trying to sit on me while I was doing planks. Not fun.
Eventually we went to the pre-school, which Levi loved and is really cute, and signed him up. At least I got that done.
And as I was leaving I looked down and realized I had two different shoes on. Yeah. It's been that kind of morning.
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago