It's 5:30 and I've been up for an hour. My brain just won't shut up! I tried to relax but I just keep thinking and thinking and thinking and it's hard not to stop. I've already been up for an hour and saw no sleep in sight so I gave up even though I went to bed late and have to be up soon. Should make for a fun day. Oh well.....
I can't believe I only have just over 4 weeks left. Almost a month. That's 30 days. I'm very excited but at the same time terrified because of the change. Also because while I have already had two c-sections it is definitley something I am not looking forward to. Needles make me cry, I hate being poked and prodded and examined all the time and with 4-5 days in the hospital their is definitely going to be a lot of that happening. Then even with that there is a big recovery at home. And I am positive I have gall stones, which I have had for about two years, which I have been too stubborn to get looked at but have an appointment soon which I am pretty sure they will tell me I need taken out (just a guess) but they have been getting worse and the pain is horrendous, worse than labor. So I don't know what's going to happen with that.
Also logistics of the boys. When Max was born it was a lot simplier, Levi was not yet two and we just had to send him off to grandparents and hung out at home but now I am trying to figure out two boys at two different schools which is tricky, and that's if all goes to plan, which it might not.
Then there's getting stuff for baby which I still haven't really done for who knows why. We had gotten rid of a lot of our baby gear because some were just trashed after two boys so we need a car seat, probably a bassinet, a stroller...... I've gone through the cloths and while there's still a bunch of hand me downs from the boys a number of things didn't quite make the cut after two and so need some of that. Then there's the diapers and the wipes and all that other stuff. Ahhhhh!!!!
And I've been working like crazy with my shop to get things ready so I can kind of take 'a break'. Though I would still be selling things I would have simplified pieces, with less time involved in making them and will have a bunch of items I've already made ready to ship. All so when baby comes I mostly just have to make some simpler items and ship but this requires a lot of time and prep on my part (like 6-8 hours a day minimum). If it was during the summer I would just close shop but baby is coming right during the holidays where I make about half my income for the year which would be extremely helpful because c-sections, gall bladder removals and new mini vans don't just pay for themselves. And it could all be for not because I might freak out and have to close shop anyways for my own sanity. Who knows.
The house needs to be cleaned and not just picked up cleaned but cleaned and de-junked cleaned because I am pretty sure if I don't do it now it won't happen for a year (this could be the nesting mom in me, but I know that it is mostly true). My big goal is to get that chair lift taken out and sold if possible, because it hasn't been used in years and is a royal pain in the butt, especially with a baby and baby carrier. I remember. My office is trashed but I am working on cleaning it bit by bit. And I did rotate the boys cloths but Levi keeps getting bigger and though I just changed cloths to an 8 (yeah, he's 6), he's growing out of some.
On a funner, less stressful note, both boys have been loving school and doing well. Levi's teacher came up to me and said "Let me tell you about your brilliant son," and proceeded to tell me how impressed she is with his reading which is at minium a grade or two above his own. She said she had a reading lady come in to help kids and Levi kind of just rolled his eyes (in a good way) because the books were way too easy and simple. He like s a big old story and has been on chapter books for a while. She said during reading time he helps the other kids and sometimes reads to them. It made me proud. While he's an awesome reader we did talk about ways to improve his writing which is not great, probably below his grade level even.... but we're working on writing and spelling. I figure he'll get the spelling thing down and it will click like reading did for him and we are working on those fine motor skills which just comes with practice. I think piano will help too which we are working on.
Max has been loving preschool and with the exception of one rough day he's always so excited to go and play with the other kids. His teacher told me he made a friend who he sticks to like glue. Today they hugged to say good bye. Max will often wait for him in line to go places so they can be together. I don't see it (because I mostly just drop off and pick up) but I can imagine how cute it is. She says he is doing very well and gets along with everyone. I like that he's getting to be a little more independent and confident.
This is how my brain works. I saw this quote online which I find very applicable.
If you ever want to know what a woman's mind feels like, imagine a browser with 2,857 tabs open. All. The. Time.
Yup. Sounds about right.
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
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