Valentines Day! This year was sweet and simple. Both the boys worked on getting their Valentines together with some help from mom of course. For Max he insisted we did superhero hearts like we did last year, put them in a baggie with some dum dums inside along with some V-day pencils I had found a good deal on. He did a great job practicing writing his name though he tried to trick me several times and wrote 'Max' on the 'to:' section.
For Levi he got to make his own Valentine Box and he knew he wanted a robot right away so we slapped a couple boxes on each other, spray painted and did some decorating. He was extremely excited about it though slightly concerned with how he would get it to school. Luckily he made it there just fine.
His Valentines were actually supposed to be Christmas gifts we'd made for the kids but it didn't happen, there might have been a snow day or sick day involved. I don't remember, no one should expect me to remember that far back. We made for all the kids catapults made of popcicle sticks and rubber bands which worked out really well because a couple of the kids in his class can't have sugar. We also added V-day pencils and coupons for doughnuts at krispy kreams.
I some of the pictures from his teacher and I promise he was more excited than he looks. I think he's just tired of me having a camera in his face all the time.
Then there was fun with opening all the Valentines, the boys were stoked about the whole thing. Candy and goodies were had by all.
Davis even got to munch on his hands. I keep trying and trying to get this kid to take a binky but it hasn't worked out. Every once and a while he does but nothing regularly and only when I am practically forcing him. Probably why he hates it. To be honest I don't want him to suck his thumb or his fingers. My oldest brother did into his teenage years and was very embarrassed by it. I knew the one way I could rile him up, because all I had were my words due to the fact that he was/is a giant, so I would make fun of him for it. Though I know others did as well. I feel bad about it now and I just don't want anything like that to happen but I suppose if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. So we're rolling with it.

For my Valentines surprise I got this guy. He actually scared me at first because he's so big. Even a few days later I would see him somewhere around the house from the corner of my eye and get a little freaked out. It is a perfect gift from my boys. I also got some of my favorite ice cream bars (Chocolate Skinny Cow....mmmm) and chocolate covered strawberries. Perfect.
Since Valentines Day was on a Friday we also got to do our 'fun friday' activity. This one was shorter than normal because we would be heading off to Washington once Jason got home.

For Christmas the boys got a gift card from Grandma Tami and Grandpa Mike to Barnes and Noble. I also had one saved from a while back so we decided to use them up and buy some books. When we went in I did have to tell them we were getting books, not toys or games. Good thing because in the kid section it seemed like half of it was toys! There was even a huge Lego display to which I had to pull them away from.

They had fun picking out different books and of course were drawn to Superhero ones. Levi got two superhero reading ones along with a Ninjago one and Max got a Transformer reading book and a Skylander one which they thoroughly enjoyed all the way home. Since Levi has gotten so into reading I've had to give him many lectures on not reading and walking, especially in the street. I also picked out a few books that I knew they would love but weren't
quite as 'flashy' like the fact books, a Biscut one for Max because he
loves it and a picture book for Davis since the Elmo one we have is
almost dead.
Then I was kind enough to share my chocolate covered strawberries with the boys.