Sunday, February 9, 2014

Disgusting Dinners and the Kingdom of God

 For wrestling practice Max always goes with Levi and Jason, who now helps coach all the younger kids. It is a good break for me, especially if I can get Davis to sleep for any amount of it then I can finally have dinner because I'm usually hurrying trying to get food in the boys and Jason and sometimes I can even get some work done if Davis decides he wants to sleep longer. 

I got this picture from Jason minutes after they had left for wrestling practice. It may look like an ordinary pile of stuff but I am told Max was under it along with the Ipad. I send my Ipad along with them for Max to keep himself busy because practice is an hour and a half times three times a week so he needs something. I could just keep him home but honestly I really like the break sometimes. Also he does get to do a little bit of the practice and he will be old enough to do it next year if that's what he wants to do. Some days he says he does, some days he says he doesn't. We'll see what he chooses.
I was trying out a couple of new recipes this week. I do my menus for two weeks at a time and try to only do a couple of new recipes and stick to the normal meals the rest of the time. This time it was orange chicken in the crockpot. I loved it and wish I had made more.
Levi did not share the same sentiments. Oh well. I really liked it and Jason seemed to as well. Can't please them all right? One day he'll appreciate. Maybe.
Levi was in charge of FHE for the night and I loved what he came up with for the lesson. He told me about what he had planned a few days before how he wanted to build obstacles like we have in life and how you have to make good choices to get to the kingdom of heaven. It made my heart melt. This was the first time he did something besides read a story from the friend or do a scripture story. I could tell he gave it a lot of thought.
So the boys picked up the living room and made obstacles out of legos along with a castle to represent the kingdom of heaven. I really was confused with how you moved around and it was slightly chaotic but they all had fun. You rolled a dice to move around however many steps which could be as big or small as you wanted then at each obstacle Levi and I had come up with different scenarios like "You broke your brothers toy on accident. What should you do?"
And eventually if you made good choices you could get to the kingdom of Heaven.
Then for activity a game of Clue Jr. which has a number of pieces missing but the boys love and some brownies he and I made.
We got a little sidetracked after the game with the Magformers. This is what I made.
Max told me he wanted to hold it and have me take a picture of it. Booger. He thought it was hilarious.
Brother love.

Davis has been very into his feet lately.
It was a regular day and I was feeding Davis before heading off to pick up Levi from school while Max was playing. After a bit I found him asleep on the floor. I tried my best to let him sleep as long as I could but eventually I had to wake him up and head off to school. He was not happy about it one bit.

 Max wanted to take a picture of me, so I gave him my mean mommy look.
 The boys have figured out they can still take pictures even without the password. I found this one the other day.

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