"Dad, what's the fiercest snake you know?" (Levi's is a black mamba)
I was getting my makeup on and dressed up before going to preschool. "Mom, you look pretty. You smell pretty. You don't even look like a mom any more!!!!" Thanks.
"When I have two kids I will name one Max and the other Levi." When asked about a girl, he decided on the name Sienna, his cousin's name.
Levi has this soft fuzzy blanket he likes to sleep with. One night while tucking him in he asked "Is this blanket made of seal fur?." Me, "No, it just is nice a fluffy. They just made it feel soft like fur." Levi, "Oh, like a mimic. Good because if it did I would tell the company not to do it anymore"
Levi: When I grow up I"m going to have every single pet.
Me: What one first?
Levi: A platapus.
"Mom, I have to skadadle to Kally's house." Kally is their new favorite neighbors, she's probably my mom's age and has grandkids. According to him she "has the best snacks ever!"
"Fast and steady beats slow and steady". This was the reply when I told him to slow down on his writing.
"When I grow up can I eat what ever I want? (sleep, do...)"After that we talked a lot about choices.
According to Levi if we ever have a girl he thinks we should name her "butterfly unicorn"
"Mom, I love you more than video games and computer games and tv"
Levi likes to play dad, he actually talks about it at least once a day being a dad to his stuffed animals and how he's practicing for when he's a 'real dad'. He'll talk about his 'real kids' and 'real wife'. So naturally, according to him, I am a grandma to his animals. Mostly it is to AJ and George, two of his monkeys. 'They'll' come up to me and call me grandma and ask if they can spend the night or if I can watch them. It's great. I just never thought I'd be a grandma quite so young.
Learning about the word 'defensive'. He gets defensive when someone calls him a baby. "I get mad and feel like a rhino"
While we're gardening, "Mom, we're like antibodies!"
English Country Garden for String Quartet
11 months ago
1 comment:
butterfly unicorn, huh? do it!!!
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