Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mixed Emotions

I took these while I was supposed to be paying attention to the lesson during Relief Society, it was a good lesson and I was paying attention to it for the most part but this kid is so cute!

A couple of weeks ago I started my new calling as the Jr. Primary music leader which I have done before and it is a pretty sweet gig. It's a lot of work. Honestly I always felt it way more than when I was in the primary presidency, though maybe I just wasn't doing it right and magnifying my calling? But you have to have 20 minutes of singing prepped to be done in a fairly creative and entertaining way every single Sunday. It can be a lot of work sometimes but I really love it. I love kids and I love to sing though my actual music knowledge is limited and definitely not anywhere near what the other music leader was. But she did study music and still does it as a paying gig and so does her husband who has a doctorate in music, so I can't compare myself too much or at all for that matter. All I can say is while I make lots of mistakes I normally have a lot of fun with it.

So for church I try to make sure Davis is good and fed by 2nd hour when Jason takes him and then I take him back for RS the 3rd. It works out well and this week Jason got him to sleep so I got to look at his cute sleeping face.
Then he woke up, happy for a minute then mad the next.

then still a little sleepy because he doesn't sleep as well in his car seat compared to his bed. But then he was happy again.

Then he got really excited and flailed his arms around a bit because he hasn't quite got control of them yet.

And then he realized he has hands. Ohhhh. Hands.  
  I love babies.

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