I am so proud of how generous you are with others how good you are with sharing, I can't believe it sometimes. You are normally the one who gives up what you have for another, though it can be very hard for you at times, especially when Mr. Max insists on taking everything you have. You are so patient with him. And even with other kids when they want to play with your toys you usually give whatever it is up.
Almost every day you come to me wanting to do 'make a craft'. I'm pretty sure you get that from me. I think you could spend hours surrounded with glue, pipe cleaners, google eyes and paint. And if you can recycle something while crafting even better! It's so sweet. I foresee some great craft days in the future.
And I don't know how it happened but you have become SOOOO helpful when cleaning the house and doing other chores! You were already pretty good at it but would drag your feet sometimes and not do such a great job. Now I tell you to clean the living room and you do it!!! Everything's off the floor and for the most part in their rightful place. And you hardly ever complain when I ask you to do something. You are seriously the most helpful boy I've ever met.

One of your favorite things lately is to learn about bugs, you love them. We went to the library today and about half the books we got were bug related. You've also been fascinated with bug/creature/animal documentaries on the Science, Smithsonian channel or Animal Planet, basically anything if it has to anything to do with 'creatures'. I'm pretty sure you can name more bugs than I can.
You are so inquisitive, wanting to know everything about everything. Most of the day is spent talking to me, asking questions about this or that and why things are the way they are. It is wonderful to see how your mind works. I love seeing life through your eyes.
Every day I get dozens of hugs and kisses from you (no exaggeration there) and many "I love you Princess Tendra"s scattered in random moments throughout the day. You love to snuggle with me and would sit on my lap reading books for hours if I let you. You melt my heart on an almost hourly basis.
We are best friends and I can't wait for all our fun adventures ahead of us!

Isn't being a mom the best?
He sounds like a wonderful kid to spend your days with... which is no surprise to me. He gets it from you :)
awww...what a sweet man he is!!!
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